A Rare Debate on the “Settled Science” of Climate Change

October 2, 2014 Steve Goreham 0
In 1997 during the Kyoto Protocol Treaty negotiations in Japan, Dr. Robert Watson, then Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, was asked about scientists who challenge United Nations conclusions that global warming was man-made. He answered, “The science is settled…we’re not going to reopen it here.” Thus began one of the greatest propaganda… Read more

The Ongoing Attack on Global Warming Skeptics

October 23, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
“Denial” is a venomous term applied to those skeptical about the role of humans in global climate change, meant to equate climate change skeptics with Holocaust deniers. True believers in the theory of man-made climate change can’t understand how anyone can question the “overwhelming evidence” that mankind is causing dangerous global warming. Who can be… Read more

Climate Policies Lock Chains on Developing Nations

September 30, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
As part of his climate change initiative announced in June, President Obama declared, “Today I’m calling for an end of public financing for new coal plants overseas unless they deploy carbon capture technologies, or there’s no other viable way for the poorest countries to generate electricity.” Restrictions on financing will reduce the supply and increase… Read more