2014: Year of Futility in the Fight Against Climate Change

December 29, 2014 Steve Goreham 0
The year 2014 was another year of futility in the fight against climate change. Climatists redoubled efforts to convince citizens that urgent action is needed to stop dangerous global warming. But the gap between public warnings and actual events produced an endless stream of climate irony. January began with a frosty bang as an arctic… Read more

America’s Power Grid at the Limit: The Road to Electrical Blackouts

April 23, 2014 Steve Goreham 0
Americans take electricity for granted. Electricity powers our lights, our computers, our offices, and our industries. But misguided environmental policies are eroding the reliability of our power system. This past winter, bitterly cold weather placed massive stress on the US electrical system―and the system almost broke. On January 7 in the midst of the polar… Read more

Renewable Energy in Decline

March 1, 2014 Steve Goreham 0
The global energy outlook has changed radically in just six years. President Obama was elected in 2008 by voters who believed we were running out of oil and gas, that climate change needed to be halted, and that renewables were the energy source of the near future. But an unexpected transformation of energy markets and… Read more

Wood Burning Power Plants: Misguided Climate Change Solution?

November 8, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
Is wood the best fuel to generate electricity? Despite wood’s low energy density and high cost, utilities in the US and abroad are switching from coal to wood to produce electrical power. The switch to wood is driven by regulations from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other international organizations. These regulations are based… Read more

Climate Policies Lock Chains on Developing Nations

September 30, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
As part of his climate change initiative announced in June, President Obama declared, “Today I’m calling for an end of public financing for new coal plants overseas unless they deploy carbon capture technologies, or there’s no other viable way for the poorest countries to generate electricity.” Restrictions on financing will reduce the supply and increase… Read more